Monday, February 7, 2011

The importance of regular eye exams

OK, with the rush of the Holiday's, I hade let the Blog take a back seat for a few weeks so I apologize to any of you that actually liked what I had written.

As luck would have it though, we are getting ready to go to Salt Lake City for some skiing and I have very little time for a long entry.

That being said, with January having been National Glaucoma Awareness Month, I just wanted to touch base on the importance of routine eye exams.  Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world with over 70 million people being affected.  In fact, over 4 million Americans have the disease. 

Many patients do not realize that although there are many causes of glaucoma, most do not affect your sight very quickly and it can take years for the damage to occur.  Even worse is that you can loose up to 40% of your sight before you can detect the vision loss yourself. 

For this reason, even if you feel that you see well without glasses it is still important to get checked on a yearly basis.  Think about it.  Out of all of our senses, which one would you not want to loose the most?  Yet the average patient sees the dentist 3 times more frequently then their eye doctor!

Put "Get an eye exam" on your "To-Do" list and keep your vision healthy!

As always, I welcome your comments and I look forward to hearing from you.

Dr Ganly

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